Thursday, December 1, 2011

How to Unlock 3gs on ios 5.0.1

1) Download deb file from below location

2) scp deb through ssh default password of your idevice is 'alpine'

scp Fix\ Ultrasn0w\ For\ iOS\ 5.0.1\ \(3GS\).deb root@:~

3) Remove Ultrasn0w from idevice.

4) Install fix from ssh below are the example
SyNAcKs-iPhone:~ root# dpkg -i Fix\ Ultrasn0w\ For\ iOS\ 5.0.1\ \(3GS\).deb
Selecting previously deselected package com.kusumoto.fixultrasn0w3gs.
(Reading database ... 14389 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking com.kusumoto.fixultrasn0w3gs (from Fix Ultrasn0w For iOS 5.0.1 (3GS).deb) ...
Ultrasn0w Fixed For iOS 5.0.1 by Mr.Kusumoto Computer
Fixing Files...
Setting up com.kusumoto.fixultrasn0w3gs (1.0.0) ...
Setting Permissions...
Please Reboot You Device
And Install Ultrasn0w
Good Luck!

5) Reboot idevice through redsnow

6) install ultrasn0w

Best of luck

Sunday, January 2, 2011 Hacks

username: ksiDdrah!88og
password: @2derSSde22

Perl Bulk Ftp Account Checker

File format should be looks like this.



use Net::FTP;

$file = 'pe.csv';


open (F, $file) || die ("Could not open $file!");

while ($line = )
($field1,$field2,$field3) = split ',', $line;

my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($host);

my $banner = $ftp->message;
$banner =~ s/\n/ /g;

if ($ftp->login($field1,$field2)) {

print "ftp://$field1:$field2\@$host/\n";

} else {



close (F);

WSO2 Integration With SpexLive

GetCategories Example:

$requestPayloadString =



try {

$requestMessage = new WSMessage($requestPayloadString,
array("to" => ""));

$client = new WSClient(array("useMTOM" => TRUE,"useSOAP"=>1.1));

$responseMessage = $client->request($requestMessage);

printf("Response = %s
", htmlspecialchars($responseMessage->str));

} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($e instanceof WSFault) {
printf("Soap Fault: %s\n", $e->Reason);
} else {
printf("Message = %s\n",$e->getMessage());

Upload File Using MTOM:

$requestPayloadString = <<

$requestMessage = new WSMessage($requestPayloadString,
array("to" => "",
"attachments" => array("myid1" => $f)));

$client = new WSClient(array("useMTOM" => TRUE,"useSOAP"=>1.1));

$responseMessage = $client->request($requestMessage);

echo $responseMessage->str;

} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($e instanceof WSFault) {
printf("Soap Fault: %s\n", $e->Reason);
} else {
printf("Message = %s\n",$e->getMessage());